Meaning in Architecture, editor with George Baird and contributor, Braziller, NY 1969; Barrie & Jenkins, London 1969. Translated into French, Italian and Spanish.
Architecture 2000, Predictions and Methods, Praeger, NY 1971 and Studio Vista, London 1971. Trans. Spanish and Japanese.
Adhocism (with Nathan Silver), Doubleday, 1972 and Secker and Warburg, London 1972. Part trans. French and Italian.
Modern Movements in Architecture, Doubleday, NY1972 and Penguin Books, London 1973. Translated in French, Japanese, Polish, Yugoslavian and Russian. Second Edition 1985.
Le Corbusier and the Tragic View of Architecture, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, mass. 1974 and Allen Lane, London 1974. 2nd Edition 1987. Translated into Japanese, Polish and Hungarian.
The Language of Post-Modern Architecture, Rizzoli, NY 1977, revised 1978, Third Ed. 1980, Fourth Ed. 1984, Fifth Ed. 1988, Sixth Ed. 1991, Academy Editions London 1977, 1978, 1980, 1984, 1991. Translated into French, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Czech and parts into Chinese and Italian.
The Daydream Houses of Los Angeles, Rizzoli, NY 1978, Academy, London 1978. Trans French 1980
Bizarre Architecture, Rizzoli, NY 1979 and Academy, London 1979. Translated into French and German.
Free-Style Classicism, Rizzoli, NY 1980, Architectural Design monograph, London 1982, trans. French.
Late-Modern Architecture, Rizzoli, NY 1980, Academy, London 1980. Trans. German and Spanish.
Signs, Symbols and Architecture, ed. with Richard Bunt, Geoffrey Broadbent, Wiley, NY London 1980
Skyscrapers - Skycities, Rizzoli, NY 1980, Academy, London 1980
Post-Modern Classicism, Rizzoli, NY 1980, Architectural Design monograph, London 1980, translated into French.
Architecture Today, Abrams, NY 1982, Current Architecture, Academy, London 1982 (Book Club). Second Edition, 1988.
Abstract Representation, St Martins Press, NY 1983, Architectural Design monograph, London 1983.
Kings of Infinite Space, St. Martins Press, NY; Academy, London 1983.
Towards A Symbolic Architecture, Rizzoli, NY; Academy, London 1985, Charles Jencks - Extra Edition of A&U, No. 1, Tokyo 1986.
The Architecture of Democracy, AD Monograph, London 1987
What is Post-Modernism? St Martins Press, NY 1986, Academy, London 1986, Second Edition 1988, Third Edition 1989, Fourth Edition 1996.
Post-Modernism, The New Classicism in Art and Architecture, Rizzoli, NY and Academy, London 1987; German edition, 1987, reprinted 1988.
The Prince, The Architects and New Wave Monarchy, Academy, London and Rizzoli, NY 1988. The New Moderns, Academy London, Rizzoli, NY 1990.
The Post-Modern Reader, Editor, Academy/St. Martins, 1992.
Heteropolis - Los Angeles, The Riots & Hetero-Architecture, Academy, London & NY, 1993.
The Architecture of the Jumping Universe, Academy, London & NY, 1995. Second Edition Wiley, 1997.
Theories and Manifestos of Contemporary Architecture, ed. with Karl Kropf, Wiley, London, NY 1997. Second ed. 2005.
New Science - New Architecture?Architectural Design, special issue £129, December 1997.
Ecstatic Architecture, Academy, Wiley, London, NY 1999
Millennium Architecture, Academy, Wiley, AD, Guest Editor with Maggie Toy, 2000.
Architecture 2000 and Beyond, (Critique & new predictions for 1971 book), Academy, Wiley, May 2000.
Le Corbusier and the Continual Revolution in Architecture, The Monacelli Press, 2000.
The New Paradigm in Architecture, the seventh edition of The Language of Post-Modern Architecture, Yale University Press, London, New Haven, 2002.
The Garden of Cosmic Speculation, Frances Lincoln Limited, London & New York, October 2003.
Scottish Parliament, Scala Publishers, London and New York, February, 2005
The Iconic Building, The Power of Enigma, Frances Lincoln, London May 2005; New York, Sept 2005.
Critical Modernism, John Wiley, London/New York, 2007
The Architecture of Hope, edited with Edwin Heathcote, Frances Lincoln Limited, London 2010
The Universe in the Landscape, Frances Lincoln Limited, London 2011
The Story of Post-Modernism, Wiley, London 2011
Adhocism: The Case for Improvisation (expanded and updated version) with Nathan Silver, MIT Press, June 2013
The Architecture of Hope, (new edition) Frances Lincoln 2015
Author of many articles in professional journals (Architectural Forum, Architecture Review, Domus, A&U, AD and many popular magazines.
Occassional contributor to: London Sunday Times Magazine, Encounter, Times Literary Supplement, The Observer, The Independent, Prometheus etc. Editorial consultant with Architectural Design and an editor with Academy Editions, London.